LGBTQ+ Activist and Researcher

Allison Chapman is a Virginia based LGBTQ+ Legislative Researcher and Trans Rights Activist. Since 2022, she has been tracking and analyzing Anti-LGBTQ+ bills and policies across the United States. Her research has been cited in numerous publications including Reuters, The Washington Post, The Hill, PinkNews, and more. She has also covered anti-lgbtq+ legislation for Slate.

With over 10 years of experience as a first responder, including 5 years as an Emergency Medical Technician, Allison brings a wealth of practical knowledge to her advocacy work. Allison holds a Bachelor's degree in Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, further enhancing her expertise and understanding of the digital landscape and the legal system. Her extensive background allows her to offer invaluable insights into the implications of Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.



Guidance on LGBTQ+ Issues

Expert Statements